The knowledge necessary to make a lasting, positive effect on any Breed requires time, effort, and the establishment of Personal Guidelines to be followed throughout a Breeding Program. In the final analysis, this effort requires the development of skills, to breed from the most consistent and best available individuals. Our Personal Standards and Required Standards established by the Canadian Kennel Club and American Kennel Club, have helped guide us through the 25 years we have been breeding German Shorthaired Pointers.
For this reason, we only breed “titled” dogs, that have proven not only to us, but also to qualified licensed judges, that they are worthy of representing the German Shorthaired Pointer, either in the Conformation Ring or Field (quite often both). At Whisperfield, we never breed our dogs before 2 years of age when all health clearance testing can be officially certified.
At Whisperfield we have only 1 or 2 litters a year, very rarely 3 litters, and or sometimes no litters. We believe in quality, not quantity. As a responsible Breeder, we have an obligation to see that each puppy is placed in the correct environment. If this is not possible, we are prepared to keep puppies until such time as that perfect home comes along. If we feel a German Shorthaired Pointer is not the right breed for you, or this is not the ideal time for you to acquire a puppy, we will discuss that with you as well.
We are not here to "make a sale". Our main concern is loving, forever homes for our puppies.